published on in PHP Security
tags: php security

PHP (and vs. &&)

PHP has two methods which should work the same way. The and operator and the &&operator. But if you do not pay attention your program will be broken.

function has_access($type, $id) {
  if ($id === 0) return true;
  else return false;

$article_id = 0;
$uid = 14;

$is_zero = $article_id == 0;
$has_acc = has_access('update', $uid);
$ok      = $article_id == 0 && has_access('update', $uid);
$wtf     = $article_id == 0 and has_access('update', $uid);

echo "\$article_id == 0                                  // => ";
echo "has_access('update', \$uid)                        // => ";
echo "\n";
echo "\$article_id == 0 && has_access('update', \$uid)    // => ";
echo "\$article_id == 0 and has_access('update', \$uid)   // => ";

The optimal output:

$article_id == 0                                  // => bool(true)
has_access('update', $uid)                        // => bool(false)

$article_id == 0 && has_access('update', $uid)    // => bool(false)
$article_id == 0 and has_access('update', $uid)   // => bool(false)

The real output:

$article_id == 0                                  // => bool(true)
has_access('update', $uid)                        // => bool(false)

$article_id == 0 && has_access('update', $uid)    // => bool(false)
$article_id == 0 and has_access('update', $uid)   // => bool(true)

Or a simple question:

<?php $variable = true and false;

What will be the value of $variable? Just check it with php -a.

I think it’s a very stupid operation. (see: > Operator Precedence)