First of all: It’s not easy (maybe)
If you used Google you found a lot of howto about it. Any of them worked for you?
- Yes: You are lucky =) This is not your article. Share it and enjoy your gTalk 1.3
- No: same problem here. Your are on the way to solve your great problem.
What do you need?
- Rooted Samsung Galaxy S (or other android device) with Android 2.3+
- Terminal emulator on your phone (or
) - Talk 1.3 installer
- A lot of patience
What Google says?
if you’re already looking for a solution on the net, you can find these:
- xda-developers forum => download a zip and flash (link)
- Install [root] Talk 1.3 Installer from Market
The method
The second option is a very good choice but it failed for me. After a quick search I found the root of this problem. You haven’t got more space on your /system.
If you didn’t root (or you don’t use Gingerbread) your phone before, just read this artice: Galaxy S with Android 2.3.5 (+root) with Heimdall
You need more space because now you have 0 (zero) byte. First of all /system
is mounted in Read-Only mode. Open your Terminal Emulator (or adb shell
). We have to remount it in writable mode.
# Be the God (root)
# check what is the mounted dev and what is its file system
mount | grep system
# remount it
mount -o rw,remount -t rfs /dev/block/stl9 /system
# formula: mount -o rw,remount -t FILE_SYSTEM MOUNTED_DEV /system
# if you need more space (and yes you need)
# delete some non-important files like ringtones
cd /system/media/audio/ringtomes/
rm *.ogg
cd /
# check how many space you have got
df -h | grep syste
If you don’t have more than 6-7 MBs, delete ^_^ (if you are a rabbit then make backup)
Ok. Now run Talk 1.3 Installer and install the latest version.