
init 6, aka reboot in a clean and orderly manner

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A long time ago I started this blog. I don’t know when I bought it first :) I planned to start a blog in english. There was no reason why I write here. There is a lot of meaningless stuff and a few valuable post. A few days ago I sat in a park and I realised I want to write again. I want to share my researches, experiments and other (maybe) useful things.


Mac Apps – What I use on my Mac? (part 3) – News and Share

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MarsEdit for blogging. It grows continuously with new features, bug-fixes. The developers are very responsive and if I need some help or have a question they answer me quickly. You can add new html tag shortcuts in a convenient interface and you can make a template for previews to make it look like on the production site. MarsEdit supports a ton of blog engines like Blogger, Blogware, Drupal, LiveJournal, Movable Type, Tumblr, TypePad, WordPress and some others but if your blog engine is not supported don’t worry if that supports one of the public blog APIs you can add it with API Endpoint and System API type. Read More...