There are a summary about apps what I use on my machine for my work. This is not a Top10 and this list doesn’t have any priority between programs, only a list… or rather first part of a list.
Ok… So I’m a developer, exactly a web developer with PHP, JavaScript (CoffeScript), CSS (SASS), HTML, MongoDB and MySQL (and with some other related services).
First category (this article) is „Text Editors”. I use two apps for it: TextMate and MacVim. One other for quick notes or sketches: iA Writer.
I don’t didn’t circle him (+DeAno Jackson: he is the author) but after this Letter… Yes, I circled him and not into the “WTF?” or “He gets a chance, maybe” circle.
If so, would you be interested in participating in an online, live streamed conference with other Vim geeks? Is this something you’d want to join and/or help out with organizing? Some ideas: